Featured image of post 参与2018年DevOps状态调查报告










  • Andi Mann, the chief technology advocate at Splunk and co-author of Visible Ops – Private Cloud and and The Innovative CIO.
  • Michael Stahnke, a director of engineering at Puppet and the author of Pro OpenSSH.
  • Alanna Brown, the director of product marketing at Puppet and creator of the first State of DevOps Report in 2013.

参加这项问卷调查将有25人会得到亚马逊购物券,价值 $100, $200 或 $500 ; 抽奖说明:

  1. $500 2 人
  2. $200 8 人
  3. $100 15 人

注:规则完整版 https://puppet.com/2018-devops-survey-contest-rules







  1. Where do you work? / 你在那个大洲工作?
  2. In which country do you work? / 在那个国家工作?
  3. What is the principal industry of your organization? / 你的组织是什么行业的?
  4. Which of the following best describes your title or role in your company? / 下面的各种头衔/角色那个和你最匹配?
  5. What department do you work in? / 你什么部门工作?
  6. And what team do you work on? / 你在什么团队工作?
  7. Which of the following describes your level of knowledge regarding your organization’s IT operations and software delivery? / 下面那一项最准确地描述了你的组织在IT运维和软件交付方面的知识程度?


Many people say that there are four elements of DevOps that work together as enterprises evolve. They are:

  • Culture 文化
  • Automation 自动化
  • Measurement 度量
  • Sharing 分享

The next few questions will ask about each of these elements.


  1. Where would you say you are at culture-wise, on your DevOps journey so far? / 在你目前的DevOps旅程中,DevOps文化存在于怎样的范围里?

  2. Where would you say you are at automation-wise, on your DevOps journey so far? / 在你目前的DevOps旅程中,自动化的程度是怎样的?

  3. Where would you say you are at measurement-wise, on your DevOps journey so far? Please select all that apply. / 在你目前的DevOps旅程中,在那些方面实施了度量?- 多选

  4. Where would you say you are at sharing-wise, on your DevOps journey so far? / 在你目前的DevOps旅程中,在分享方面是怎么做的?

  5. How frequently do each of these practices occur in your organization? / 下列实践在你的组织中发生的频率?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用 5级

    • We balance lowering technical debt, with new feature work
    • Configurations are managed by a configuration management tool
    • A cross-functional review is done before implementation of a project
    • Teams use continuous delivery
    • Before starting a project, we establish concrete success criteria
    • We create learning opportunities across teams (e.g., training, internal DevOps workshops, etc.)
    • We expose data and services via APIs
    • Success metrics for projects are visible
    • DevOps initiatives are supported by senior leadership
    • Teams use agile approaches across development and operations
    • Developers are on-call for production issues
    • Teams use continuous integration
    • Source code is made available to other teams
    • Experiences and lessons are shared externally (e.g., meetups / conferences, blog posts, etc.)
  6. How frequently were each of these practices used when you were first starting out with DevOps? / 在你的DevOps刚刚起步的阶段,下列实践的使用频率是怎样的?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用 5级

    • Application configurations are in version control
    • Infrastructure teams use version control
    • Automate system configurations (e.g. operating system baselines)
    • System configurations are in version control
    • Automate provisioning (e.g. server, VM, cloud instances, etc.)
    • Application development teams use version control
    • Automate security policy configurations
  7. How frequently were these practices used after you started to see some traction with DevOps? / 在你开始感受到DevOps的优势以后,下列实践的使用频率是怎样的?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用

    • We reuse deployment patterns for building applications or services
    • Monitoring and alerting are configurable by the team operating the service
    • We deploy on a single standardized operating system
    • We deploy on a set of standardized operating systems
    • We build on a standardized set of technologies
    • Configurations are managed by a configuration management tool
    • We reuse testing patterns for building applications or services
  8. How frequently were the following used while you were expanding DevOps practices? / 在你推广DevOps实践的过程中,下列实践的使用频率是怎样的?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用 5级

    • We have post-incident reviews and share results
    • Security teams are involved in technology design and deployment
    • Teams contribute improvements to tooling provided by other teams
    • We reuse testing patterns for building applications or services
    • Individuals can do their work without manual approval from outside of their team
    • We reuse deployment patterns for building applications or services
    • Monitoring and alerting are configurable by team operating service
  9. How frequently were these practices used while you were optimizing your DevOps practices? / 当你在优化DevOps实践的过程中,下列实践的使用频率是怎样的?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用 5级

    • Infrastructure changes are tested before deploying to production
    • Rearchitect applications based on business needs (e.g., reducing operational costs, ease of deployment, etc.)
    • Individuals accomplish changes without significant wait times
    • Monitoring and alerting are configurable by team operating service
    • Teams contribute improvements to tooling provided by other teams
    • Service changes can be made during business hours
    • Incident responses are automated
  10. How frequently were these practices used while you were enabling self-service? / 在你管理自助服务的情况下,下列实践的使用频率是怎样的?从来没用过 ~ 总是在用 5级

    • Teams contribute improvements to tooling provided by other teams
    • Resources (e.g., accounts, infrastructure, etc.) made available via self-service
    • Logging configuration is deployed with the application or service
    • Monitoring and alerting are configurable by team operating service
    • App developers deploy testing environments on their own
  11. Which, if any, of the following processes or tools are “self-service” in your DevOps approach? Please select all that apply. / 在你的DevOps计划中,下列哪些流程或者工具会做成自助服务?

  12. Which of the following organizational structures have you used in your DevOps journey? / 在你DevOps的旅程中,你曾经用过下列哪些组织结构?

    • Cross-functional teams that are responsible for specific services or applications
    • A centralized IT team and multiple application development teams
    • A Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team
    • A service provider that provides DevOps capabilities (e.g. builds test environments, provides monitoring, etc.)
    • A dedicated DevOps team
  13. Please tell us what kind of development your organization does. / 你的组织开发各种类型软件的比例是多少?5个问题填写百分比,凑够100

    • We do custom development for internal users
    • We do custom development for COTS (commercial off-the-shelf software)
    • We manage COTS (commercial off-the-shelf software (e.g., upgrades)
    • We do in-house development of custom applications for external users
  14. If you could move the needle on one metric related to DevOps, what would it be? / 如果让你仅仅选择一个度量DevOps的指标,这个指标是什么? - 描述题

  15. Just a few more questions to help us categorize your answers. / 下列问题帮助我们对你的组织进行分类。

  16. What figure best describes your company’s annual revenue in US$ equivalent? / 你们公司的年营业额是多少美元?

  17. What is the proportion of genders working on your team? / 你所在的团队男女比例?

  18. Please tell us how you identify. / 请问告诉我们你认为自己是什么性别。

  19. What is your current annual salary in US dollars? / 你的年薪是多少美元?

  20. Do you consider yourself to be part of a visible or invisible minority where you work? / 你认为自己工作是显耀的还是无足轻重(少数派)的?

  21. Please tell us of what minority(ies) you consider yourself to be a member. Please select all that apply. / 请告诉我们你的这种无足轻重是指哪方面?-多选

  22. Would you like to receive an email with the report link when it is available? / 你是否希望收到这份报告的下载链接?







今年 Nicole Forsgren博士,《Accelerate》一书的主要作者,用此书对多年来的DevOps状态分析做了一个总结。此书一出版就高居亚马逊畅销榜榜首,还被誉为DevOps界的科学。这本书为你展示了历年来的状态分析报告是怎么来的?调查的范围和方向是如何演进的?为什么会得出这样的分析结果?



  • 应用DevOps的企业不应该使用成熟度模型度量
  • 应用DevOps的不同企业/部门不会参考某个共同标准
  • 应用DevOps的不同企业/部门应该参考5大类24项的能力成长模型,来度量其发展进度,在磨练这些能力的过程中,选择符合自身业务需求的,且优先级别高能力先发展。



我在这本刚发布的时候购买了电子版。在参加5月份的DevOpsDays大会北京站的深度培训“持续交付”课上,遇到了这个培训老师的Jez Humble先生,他也是本书的合著者之一。意外地获赠了一本他的签名实体书。



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