Featured image of post 云计算时代的终结



“I’m going to take you out to the edge to show you what the future looks like.” So begins a16z partner Peter Levine as he takes us on a “crazy” tour of the history and future of cloud computing — from the constant turns between centralized to distributed computing, and even to his “Forrest Gump rule” of investing in these shifts.

But… how can we say cloud computing is coming to an “end” when it hasn’t even really started yet?? Because the edge — where self-driving cars and drones are really data centers with wheels or wings — is where it’s at. So where does machine learning in the enterprise come in? How does this change IT? As software programs the world, these are some of the shifts to look at…



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本博客始于 2007 年
使用 Hugo 构建
主题 StackJimmy 设计