本清单来自于《DevOps Handbook》书中提到的书,更新到第五本;《看板方法》、《精益思想》、《Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash》、《第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践》、《探索吧!深入理解探索式软件测试》
今天要介紹看板方法的由來, 上面這本書是由看板方法之父 David J. Anderson 於: 2010年 4月所著。簡字版是 2014 年2月出版。這篇文章在我上 TechDays 課程時就想登出來了,想把好書介紹給大家。但由於台灣的書商都沒有進口,所以一直等到我拿到第一批書後,肯定大家可以在坊間買到書時才把他登出來。原文書名: Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business.
看板方法:它是敏捷陣營中實施起來阻力最小,生產力又能大幅提升、前置時間大幅下降,而可預測性又絕佳的敏捷解決方案之一。好神奇喔 … 哈哈! 確實如此,所以我才會這麼急切的推薦給大家。另一個原因是Kanban Method 現在在美國正熱烈風行中,而我們現在開始追正是時候。為此放下了許多手上正在做的工作(包括一本 Scrum的教本),努力開始推廣希望大家能受用。首先說明: 為何他推廣起來阻力最小?
※ 實施起來阻力最小:
因為David J. Anderson 本身是一個微軟的 PM出身,他跟大家一樣知道變革會讓許多人害怕,人們會認為自己的技術是否落伍了,開始擔心害怕變革會對自己的工作事業帶來不利,這種恐懼常常會帶來一種莫名的對立,因此在還沒開始變革之前就已經採取抵制的態度了。所以他創始的看板方法選擇從哪裡開始實施呢? 就從現在既有的流程開始。由工作者本身最熟悉的地方開始。起步的秘訣是甚麼呢? 是精實精神中從豐田系統中學來的原則,先從不浪費開始,作法: 在識別浪費後消除浪費。
※ 如何能讓生產力大幅提升?
由審視既有流程,依據 Little’s law的最大產出方法,接著找出阻礙最大產能的瓶頸所在,然後正視這個造成瓶頸的問題,把它顯現在看板上面,讓大家一起站在看板前面討論如何解決它,解決之後再持續進行改善的作業。
※ 前置時間大幅下降
過去我們都以為唯有透過良好的規劃及配合才能夠讓前置作業時間下降,但豐田企業的及時(Just In Time)備料讓庫存降至最低,讓半成品減至最少改變了工作流程的前置時間(Lead time),因此得到大幅下降。
看板還是看板方法 (Kanban or Kanban Method) 英文叫 Kanban,上網去搜尋會得到一大堆有關製造業的看板資料。所以請使用 Kanban Method去搜尋,因此中文就該叫做「看板方法」。簡體版的作者有用心在翻譯因此翻對了,值得買來閱讀。全書分成四部分:
※ 第一部分;導讀: 作者說出他的想法,以及創作看板方法的原由。
※ 第二部分;談使用看板方法的好處: 這裡有他個人做顧問時的經驗談,值得仔細閱讀。
※ 第三部分;開始談實施看板方法的步驟了。(由六到十五章,好長又夠完整)
※ 第四部分;談持續改進。在這裡你終於可以感受到精實軟體開發對作者的影響,以及作者由經濟學的角度來看精實軟體開發的第一原則: 消除浪費。
《精益思想》于1996年秋季首次出版,历经20年,畅 销十多个国家,累计销量上百万册。本书的成功在于它对精益生产方式做了最 好的总结,为读者提供了精益的核心原则,实地考察了美国、德国、日本若干具有代表性的大小企业推行精益的实际情况和心得,为准备跨入精益之门和进一步学习、实施精益的人提供了最 好的指南,从而成为精益方面的经典著作。
Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash
Mary Poppendieck has led teams implementing various solutions ranging from enterprise supply chain management to digital media. Mary is the president of Poppendieck LLC, which specializes in bringing lean techniques to software development.
Tom Poppendieck, an enterprise analyst, architect, and agile process mentor, currently assists organizations in applying lean principles and tools to software development processes. The Poppendiecks are authors of Lean Software Development, winner of the 2004 Jolt Software Development Productivity Award, and Implementing Lean Software Development (both from Addison-Wesley).
The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization
基本信息 第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践
《第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践(新世纪全新扩充修订版)》由当代最杰出的新管理大师彼得•圣吉撰写的著作,被誉为21世纪的管理圣经、20世纪屈指可数的几本管理经典、世界上影响最深远的管理书籍之一,并被《哈佛商业评论》评为过去75年具有影响力的管理类图书,还荣获世界企业学会荣誉的开拓者奖! 进入21世纪以来,全球经济的迅猛发展,使得全球企业管理趋势、管理理念也顺应发生了巨大的变化,作为新世纪全新扩充修订版,《第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践(新世纪全新扩充修订版)》其背后是15年来把原书理念付诸实践的经验和案例。圣吉明确指出,从长远来看,你的组织可持续的竞争优势,就是比对手更好更快的学习能力。15年前,许多《第五项修炼》的核心理念都曾显得很激进。但这些理念的许多应用方法,后来已经被融入到人们观察世界的方式中,也被整合到人们的管理实践中;《第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践(新世纪全新扩充修订版)》对前一版进行了全面修订,新版书中的领导力案例故事揭示了这些经历。并增添了新的内容:实践中的反思,为企业、个人读者更准确理解最新管理理念,对学习型组织进行了有效的反思,对建设学习型组织所面临的新疑惑提供了新的思维。
流行的管理体系很摧残人……教育界、工商界和政府机构的管理层的任务,应该是使系统最优化……彼得·圣吉的著作《第五项修炼》是帮助开始这项工作的好书,它让我学到了许多东西。 ——爱德华·戴明博士,全面质量管理运动(TQM)的先驱。
《第五项修炼》是过去75年来最有影响力的管理学著作之一。 ——《哈佛商业评论》 圣吉的这本著作已经是一本不折不扣的管理学经典。 ——《波士顿环球报》
作者:(美国)彼得•圣吉 译者:张成林
彼得•圣吉博士(Dr.Peter M. Senge),麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的高级教授讲师,国际组织学习学会(SoL)和索奥中国(SoL China)的创始主席。除《第五项修炼》之外,他还与人合著了《第五项修炼实践篇》(1994)、《变革之舞》(1999)、《学习型学校》(Schools that Learn, 2000)、《体悟当下》(Presence, 2004),以及最近出版的《必要的革命》(The Necessary Revolution, 2008)等著作。圣吉被誉为最富创新精神的世界级管理学和领导学思想大师之一。他早年毕业于斯坦福大学工程专业,并获得麻省理工社会系统模型硕士和管理学博士,现家居美国马萨诸塞州。
Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing
编辑推荐 《探索吧!深入理解探索式软件测试》给出实用性很强的理念,可用于探索从典型GUI场景到测试软件需求的一切,还包括如何探索低层级代码的建议。此书不只是给软件测试人员看的,对软件管理人员、开发人员也具有重大意义。
名人推荐 “Elisabeth开创了将探索式测试应用于敏捷开发的先河,并推动它不断演进,使其成为了一种主流实践。” ——Ward Cunnningham wiki概念的发明者 设计模式和敏捷软件方法的先驱之一
“这是我看到的最佳书籍之一。优良的测试设计源自优良的测试思路,这本书里满是各种优秀的测试思路,辅以故事情节烘托,涎玉沫珠。” ——Alan Page 微软公司Principal SDEI《微软的软件测试之道》作者
The Field Guide to Understanding ‘Human Error‘
This latest edition of The Field Guide to Understanding ‘Human Error’ will help you understand how to move beyond ‘human error’; how to understand accidents; how to do better investigations; how to understand and improve your safety work. You will be invited to think creatively and differently about the safety issues you and your organization face. In each, you will find possibilities for a new language, for different concepts, and for new leverage points to influence your own thinking and practice, as well as that of your colleagues and organization.
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About the Author
Sidney Dekker (PhD Ohio State University, USA, 1996) is currently professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, where he runs the Safety Science Innovation Lab. He is also Professor (Hon.) of psychology at The University of Queensland, and Professor (Hon.) of human factors and patient safety at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane. Previously, Sidney was Professor of human factors and system safety at Lund University in Sweden. After becoming full professor, he learned to fly the Boeing 737, working part-time as an airline pilot out of Copenhagen. Sidney is the best-selling author of a multitude of human factors and safety books, including, most recently, Safety Differently (2014), Second Victim (2013), Just Culture (2012), Drift into Failure (2011), and Patient Safety (2011).
Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Transformation
This book will have a permanent place in my bookshelf. In my ten-year study of high performing IT organizations, I’ve found that businesses rely on IT far more than they think. The impacts of poor flow from application development into IT operations can be devastating: ever increasing cycle times and amounts of rework, and an ever increasing amount of heroics required in IT operations to preserve the illusion of stability and reliability. ―Gene Kim, Chief Technology Officer, Tripwire, Inc.
There has never been a more critical time to improve how IT integrates with the global business enterprise. This book provides an unprecedented look at the role that Lean will play in making this revolutionary shift and the critical steps for sustained success. ―Steve Castellanos, Lean Enterprise Director; Nike, Inc.
Twenty years from now the firms which dominate their industries will have fully embraced lean strategies throughout their IT organizations. Ten years from now those organizations will have started pulling ahead of their competitors as the result of lean IT. Today this book will show those organizations the path they need to start out on. Will your organization be one of them? ―Scott W. Ambler, Chief Methodologist for Agile and Lean, IBM Rational
… goes both wide and deep in its exploration of Lean … a great survival manual for those needing nimble and adaptive systems. ―Dr. David Labby, MD, PhD, Medical Director and Director of Clinical Support and Innovation, CareOregon
This book makes a major contribution in an often-ignored but much-needed area. It ranges over a huge area – including excellent cases – that will bring IT professionals into the Lean fold but will also enable Lean managers to reach out to IT. ―John Bicheno, Program Director MS in Lean Operations, Cardiff University
… a comprehensive view into the world of Lean IT, a must read! ―Dave Wilson, Quality Management, Oregon Health & Science University
About the Author
Steve Bell, CFPIM brings over twenty years’ experience in finance, operations management and information systems. He is the author of Lean Enterprise Systems, Using IT for Continuous Improvement. (2006)
Mike Orzen, CMA, CFPIM, PMP delivers a unique blend of IT, operations management, Lean, Six Sigma, and project management. With a BA from Stanford University in economics and an MBA from the University of Oregon, Mike has been consulting, coaching, and teaching for over 20 years.
Steve and Mike are faculty members of the Lean Enterprise Institute. Together, the authors combine their experience in information systems and process improvement to share their lessons learned.
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True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership
“With great clarity and insight, Bill George and Peter Sims make a persuasive argument that the journey toward authentic leadership—that finding and pursuing your own True North–is the key to leadership in all fields, whether in business, government, or the nonprofit arena.” —From the Foreword by David Gergen
“In True North, Bill George once again provides a roadmap for leadership in the 21st Century. The future belongs to leaders who want to win, without ever losing track of their own values. We live in a day when the best people can work anywhere. They will follow only authenticity—a person who leads with passion and purpose.” —Jeff Immelt, CEO, General Electric
“True North is an awe-inspiring gift to the world. The 125 men and women whose leadership journeys are so beautifully rendered in this book show us that we can have enormous impact without compromising our values—indeed, that we are more successful when we stay true to our ideals. Every aspiring leader (or leader who aspires to become even better) will draw strength and wisdom from this wonderful book.” —Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School professor and best-selling author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks & Losing Streaks Begin & End
“True North is about the power of authentic leadership. Great leaders are defined by a sense of passion and purpose and by a profound desire to make a difference. Anyone can find their own True North, if you care deeply and love what you do. This book is a wonderful roadmap for how to get started on the journey.” —Andrea Jung, chairman and CEO, Avon Products, Inc.
“If you want to move your leadership in the right direction, read True North. Drawing on the personal stories of some of the world’s most effective leaders, the book shows that you become a successful leader when you stay on course with your highest self.” —Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level
“True North provides a new leadership paradigm and a window into the stories and approaches of dozens of our nation’s best leaders. It is an inspirational, invaluable source of guidance for those who want to make a significant impact.” —Wendy Kopp, president and founder of Teach for America
“True North reveals just how powerful authentic leadership can be and, best of all, how to achieve it.” —Warren Bennis
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Gemba Walks
Editorial Reviews
In 12 new essays, ranging from the provocative to the practical and written specially for the second edition of Gemba Walks author and management expert Jim Womack reflects on the past 30 years of lean, and assesses the current state of lean today. He also shares thoughts on how lean thinking and practice can continue to make the world a better place by gaining traction in areas such as government and healthcare, provides practical guidance for how leaders everywhere can realize the full benefits of a lean management system, and shares hope for continued improvement on the path to better work and more value. Over the past 30 years, Womack has developed a method of going to visit the gemba at countless companies and keenly observing how people work together to create value. He has shared his thoughts and discoveries from these visits with the lean community through a monthly letter. With Gemba Walks second edition, Womack has selected and re-organized his key letters, as well as written 12 new essays. Gemba Walks shares his insights on topics ranging from the application of specific tools, to the role of management in sustaining lean, as well as the long-term prospects for this fundamental new way of creating value. Reading this book will reveal to readers a range of lean principles, as well as the basis for the critical lean practice of: go see, ask why, and show respect. Womack explains: • whatever happened to Toyota and what happens next to lean? • how lean got its name 25 years ago; a special essay co-authored by Jim and John Krafcik, president and CEO, Hyundai Motors America • work, management, and leadership – what is the real work of the lean leader? • don’t offshore or reshore –leanshore • why companies need fewer heroes and more farmers (who work daily to improve the processes and systems needed for perfect work and who take the time and effort to produce long-term improvement) • how “good” people who work in “bad” processes become as “bad” as the process itself • how the real practice of showing respect comes down to helping workers frame and solve their own problems • how the short-term gains from lean tools can be translated to enduring change from lean management. • how the lean manager has a “restless desire to continually rethink the organization’s problems, probe their root causes, and lead experiments to test the best currently known countermeasures” By sharing his personal path of discovery, Womack sheds new light on the continued adoption and development of the most important new business system of the past fifty years. His journey will provide courage and inspiration for every lean practitioner today.
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Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
Eric J.Evans在《领域驱动设计》一书中
**Domain Driven Design by Eric J. Evans.
《Architecture and Patterns for IT Service Management, Resource Planning, and Governance: Making Shoes for the Cobbler’s Children, observes》
正如Steven j. Spear在他的书《The High-Velocity Edge》
1984年由Eliyahu M. Goldratt博士写的《目标:简单而有效的常识管理》。
2009年,Mike Rother编写了《丰田套路:转变我们对领导力与管理的认知》(Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results)
Value Stream Mapping: How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation
(英语) 精装 – 2013年12月16日 Karen Martin (作者), Mike Osterling (作者)
In the book Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash, Mary and Tom Poppendieck describe waste and hardship in the software development stream as anything that causes delay for the customer, such as activities that can be bypassed without affecting the result.
“点名、责备和羞辱”模式是Sydney Dekker博士批评的坏苹果理论的一部分,在他的书《The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error》里有深入讨论。
《Gemba Walks》的作者Jim Womack描述了领导者和前线工作者之间必须发生的互补工作关系和相互尊重。根据Womack的说法,这种关系是必要的,因为谁都无法单独解决问题 - 领导者并不会足够的贴近一线工作,这是解决任何问题所需要的,而前线工作者也没有更广的组织背景的认知或权
After the near-death experience of eBay in the late 1990s, Marty Cagan, author of Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love, the seminal book on product design and management, codified the following lesson:
界定上下文(Bounded contexts)是Eric J.Evans在《领域驱动设计》一书中提出的概念。其思路是开发人员能够理解和更新服务的代码,而不需要知道其关联服务(peers)的内部逻辑。同时,服务间严格通过API协作,不共享数据结构、数据库Schema或内部的对象。界定上下文确保服务间职责的划分,并具有良好定义的接口,同时也提高了可测试性。
Scrumisanagiledevelopmentmethodology,describedas“aflexible,holisticproductdevel- opment strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal.” It was first fully described by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle in the book Agile Software Development with Scrum. In this book, we use the term “agile development” or “iterative development” to encompass the various techniques used by special methodologies such as Agile and Scrum.