Build Zenoss 2.1.2 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5

Well, it is the first time to running a RHEL 5 for me, at same time got zenoss built successfully on it. zenoss-2.1.2 was build from source, the whole process went a while since RHEL is in one of my VMware session; CPU %sy was pretty high during building source code.

Build zenoss-2.1.2

The INSTALL.txt file is good enough, my installation how-to can be really sample:

  • Read INSTALL.txt
  • add zenoss user
  • start mysql
  • upload zenoss tarball to zenoss home directory
  • login as zenoss
  • untar zenoss tarball then run the following, good luck!

Start Daemons:

bash$ $ZENHOME/bin/zenoss startbash$ $ZENHOME/bin/zenoss status

  • Then I access to Zenoss portal, got this error.

HTTP Status 404 - /zport/dmd

I reboot the RHEL server, then start mysql and zenoss. Finally, everything goes smoothly. Let’s take this nice zenoss portal.imageOn my RHEL, mysql, snmp and python were installed with OS; other packages might installed from zenoss source tarball. I am not sure about this, you could check above to see my install log.Install tips:

  • Package dependence should be consider before you build Zenoss source code. A full RHEL install is a lazy idea to solve this problem; but it is still the best practice if you are new to both Linux and Zenoss.
  • Start zenoss daemons might take one minute or more. If you access to zenoss portal immediately, you could get a HTTP Status 404 error. Before you see balance stone, please be patience.

Auto-Discovery of Devices

It’s time to read ZenossAdminGuide211.pdf; BTW that’s a good document. I will go ahead to note down what I did in my testing evn. Please turn to P47, I will go from there. For sure you have something discovered, please read the following tips:

  • The Zenoss machine should have snmp installed, including the following packages:

As far as I know net-snmp-utils-5.3.1-19.el5 is a necessary. Without this package, you do not have ability to snmpwalk any device via SNMP protocol; in other word you can not get enough information about that remote device.

  • Add a right network ID, here is a example:

  • snmpwalk at least one snmp-enable device, here is a example:

Let’s see what I got after done all of above.imageimageZenoss has a pretty good network map, it is a flash map; you can drag things on this map. Before I end this blog, I’d like to summary my questions blow:

  1. Because my RHEL installation is big enough, I don’t know what are dependence packages for Zenoss; no time to list all of them. Does have this list?
  2. I’ve no idea how to configure snmpd on Solaris. What I did was just modified /etc/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf
  3. How to restart snmp daemon for Solaris?
  4. Do you have any good blog about zenoss? I will write a Chinese blog after this one to conclusion zenoss installation. Please give a hint if you have any comment.
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